Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Snow has melted and the kid is busy!

Well, school's over on May 30th for Zane and the kids in Teton Valley. Track season has ended and field trips have begun. Zane and his class went to Quake Lake up in West Yellowstone, Montana on Monday. The trip wasn't too fun for anyone, it was 5 hours on the bus, the road to Mesa Falls was still snowed in, it was snowing at Quake Lake and the ticks were out full force. Zane has another trip on Friday and Saturday and it's sure to be much more successful and fun! His Gifted and Talented class is going down to Space Camp in Salt Lake City. Zane's gone there twice previously and had an awesome time. They're also going to the SLC zoo. FUN!

The power point of the Teton Middle School 2008 Track season below takes slightly more than a minute, most of the pictures are of Zane. Enjoy!

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