Monday, December 31, 2007

Zane's Christmas in Idaho

Happy Holidays and Happy 2008 to all!

Zane is in Ohio right now with his Dad, grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. I'm sure he's having a fantastic time because he can't find time to call. Hint, hint Zane....

Here are some pictures taken of Zane in December

A toy Zane just had to have. He ended up replacing Baby Jesus in my advent calendar with the Redneck!

The back of the package. Zane thought it was hysterical. He had to read it to me twice.

Ms. Witek's class did a courtroom exercise in the actual Teton County Courtroom. Some kids were on the jury, some were lawyers, some were on trial. Zane (white shirt) and Ryan (to the right of Zane) were the defendants. 2 real lawyers actually assisted with the exercise. Zane and Ryan were found not guilty of arson.

Zane getting sworn in

Zane testifying

Christmas 2007
Ferraro Rochet and a new hat

A Venus flytrap!

A present from Grandma Carol and Grandpa Duane

Here it is! Zane hasn't played with it yet.

Harrison, Gracie and Max (11 pounds 2 ounces!)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


We've doggy sat a 10 week old puppy named, Nicodemus. He's a Chihuahau and he's adorable. We had Nic last night and he and Zane really hit it off. As a matter of fact, Nic wouldn't stop whining unless Zane was in the room!

The video is short and dark. Listen hard and you'll hear Nic growling. So cute!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Zane's first visit with Santa and Mrs. Santa

A few pictures

Zane in his usual position. Aunt Jenny and Uncle Mike, notice the jacket

Fun with the dog

Fun with the dog's outfit!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Wind River Mountains, Zane's on his way...

Zane's been accepted into a 28 day backpacking course in the Wind River Mountains with the National Outdoor Leadership School! After applying and being accepted, he had to get a physical.

Today we're starting on scholarship applications for the course. It's expensive and has many unexpected costs (the above physical was $140!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

For all who have asked what they can get Zane for Christmas, please consider giving him an REI gift certificate or Cabella's gift certificate so he can buy gear for the course. NOLS has some very specific gear requirements. Or you can give him a little bit of cash to save toward paying for the course. Zane's Grandpa Locke and Grandma Locke have paid for a portion of the course, Zane has put $1000 of his own money toward the course (instead of a car!). I promise if you decide to send any $ to Zane for Christmas, it will be deposited in the savings account.

ON THE OTHER HAND, don't feel like you ever have to get the kid anything!!!! He has so much already.

I will post later with miscellaneous pictures that I have taken of Zane and the fam over the last month. Sorry to get behind. It's been a hectic month for me.

Wind River Mountains, Zane's on his way...

Zane's been accepted into a 28 day backpacking course in the Wind River Mountains with the National Outdoor Leadership School! After applying and being accepted, he had to get a physical.

Today we're starting on scholarship applications for the course. It's expensive and has many unexpected costs (the above physical was $140!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!).

For all who have asked what they can get Zane for Christmas, please consider giving him an REI gift certificate or Cabella's gift certificate so he can buy gear for the course. NOLS has some very specific gear requirements. Or you can give him a little bit of cash to save toward paying for the course. Zane's Grandpa Locke and Grandma Locke have paid for a portion of the course, Zane has put $1000 of his own money toward the course (instead of a car!). I promise if you decide to send any $ to Zane for Christmas, it will be deposited in the savings account.

ON THE OTHER HAND, don't feel like you ever have to get the kid anything!!!! He has so much already.

I will post later with miscellaneous pictures that I have taken of Zane and the fam over the last month. Sorry to get behind. It's been a hectic month for me.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Student council

Zane's friend Ryan ran for President of the Teton Middle School student council. His speech was impressive. Watch for yourself if you want (1:53).

Ryan did win President of the student council. I'm very proud of him!! Way to go Ryan!!

Zane's got a grinder...

I'm not exactly sure why Zane's got a grinder (purchased by his Dad) and I'm not sure exactly what he's going to do with it. I am sure he's going to wear hearing and eye protection when he's using it!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

End of season Cross Country pictures!

The 2007 cross country season is wrapping up with a cider and cookie banquet with the High School cross country team on November 5th. Here are the final pictures of the season.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Still making iron oxide

Zane's still making iron oxide. The 5 gallon bucket didn't make much.

I know the video is sideways and the sound stinks, oh well! Turn your head to watch it. Like the snow storm going on in the background? Winter has come to Idaho!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Spud week activities

Did you watch the video in the last post where Zane is trying to make iron oxide? Mr. Science went from a jelly jar and 2 nails to a 5 gallon bucket and rebar! He's making iron oxide...don't ask what for!!

14 seconds of bubbling and excitement.

We went to the National Wildlife Art Museum
in Jackson, Wyoming. The elk are a piece of art at the entrance. The museum collection was really impressive for a) all animal pictures b) the museum is in the middle of no where! We saw a Warhol print and an O'Keefe. We also saw several Beirstadt. We liked these bison pictures a lot.

You can barely see the museum because it blends so well with the landscape.

Zane being attacked by an eagle statue.

We weren't allowed to take pictures in the museum, hence of the outside pictures. In the background is the National Elk Refuge. We didn't see any live elk. They're in rutting season now. I've actually heard some bugling in the middle of the night (4 seconds, click on it!).

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Spud week

Well, it's Spud Week. It's the week that school is out so that the teachers and older students can assist with harvesting potatoes. The majority of kids and students are hanging out in this crummy weather (Teton Webcam).

Zane is on a kick where he's trying to make iron oxide and aluminum shavings. Here's the video of him making iron oxide (short!).

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Championship meet at Rigby!

Paul and I missed the girl's race! Sorry girls!!! Luckily, I got this picture of the girl runners enjoying the minidisco ball and the Go Teton XC poster. We're in the Middle School library. Isn't the bulletin board in the background great?!

Everyone did great! The girls finished in 6th place overall in the league and the boys finished in 3rd place. Well done all and good job Coach Krumpen! Thank you for a great season!

Teton Middle School boys at the start

On your marks, get set, go!


Jake and Cameron


Mike and Cameron



Caleb 6th place out of 75 12:51

11th of 75 Jacob Schultz 13:25

15th of 75 Cameron 13:37

28th out of 75 Parker 14:41

Zane (37 of 75) 15:11

Cameron (46 of 75) 16:24 & Mike (47 of 75) 16:25

Uh oh Mike!

Hal (52 of 75) 15:19

Hal, Mike and Zane post race at Rigby Lake

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Kids running to ice cream

The Middle School XC team has it's Championship meet at Rigby Pond on Friday, September 27 at 3:00 pm MDT.

Yesterday the kids ran to Corner Drug's soda fountain for some ice creams! Fun! Zane and the other 8th grade boys were too cool to show up.

The last couple of pictures are of Zane in his new team sweatshirt. All the team members got them.

Mike and Hal running around City Park. We don't know why they were there, it wasn't part of the route!

Aimee, Megan, Michelle and ? running to Corner Drug.

You know you're in downtown Driggs when you see the buffalo.

This is Corner Drug

Caleb and Kaylee getting ready for some ice cream.

Aimee and Megan loving their post run treat.

Hal and the Anderson kid (sorry kiddo, I don't remember your first name right now)!

Ms. Krumpen, the coach