Saturday, October 6, 2007

Spud week activities

Did you watch the video in the last post where Zane is trying to make iron oxide? Mr. Science went from a jelly jar and 2 nails to a 5 gallon bucket and rebar! He's making iron oxide...don't ask what for!!

14 seconds of bubbling and excitement.

We went to the National Wildlife Art Museum
in Jackson, Wyoming. The elk are a piece of art at the entrance. The museum collection was really impressive for a) all animal pictures b) the museum is in the middle of no where! We saw a Warhol print and an O'Keefe. We also saw several Beirstadt. We liked these bison pictures a lot.

You can barely see the museum because it blends so well with the landscape.

Zane being attacked by an eagle statue.

We weren't allowed to take pictures in the museum, hence of the outside pictures. In the background is the National Elk Refuge. We didn't see any live elk. They're in rutting season now. I've actually heard some bugling in the middle of the night (4 seconds, click on it!).

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